$1,897.00 USD

ResusX:All-Access (2024 Edition)

This is the ULTIMATE conference package and is only for serious Resuscitationists only! Enroll today and get access to every conference that we've ever done, monthly grand rounds, amazing swag delivered to your house, and so much more.

This package contains over 200+ hours of high-definition video content and is worth over $5,000!!! 

What you'll get:

  • 12- month unlimited access to every conference, grand rounds, and lecture we've done to date. Watch as many times as you like, there's no limit to how many times you can watch. 
  • ResusX: ReUnion (67 lectures)
  • ResusX: Golden Hour (20 lectures)
  • ResusX: Reset (43 lectures)
  • ResusX: ROSC (34 lectures)
  • ResusEM6: The Broken Heart Conference (15 lectures)
  • ResusX:ReVolved (95 lectures)
  • ResusX:ReLoaded (71 lectures)
  • ResusX:ReWired (34 lectures)
  • ResusX:Masterclass (58 lectures)
  • ResusX:2019 (38 lectures)
  • ResusEM5 (18 lectures)
  • ResusEM: Cardiac Emergencies (13 lectures)
  • The Cooper Conference (26 lectures)
  • PLUS, gain subscription to the  ResusNation: All-Access, Chawk Talks (5 episodes), CriticalCareNow Monthly Lectures, ResusNation Hangouts, and ResusNation Archive
  • Get up to 45 AMA PRA Category 1™  
  • Watch LIVE Monthly Grand Rounds with exclusive Q&A for All-Access Members
  • Watch Grand Rounds on Replay
  • Special access to our online community moderated by ResusX faculty. Ask questions regarding resuscitation, discuss cases, or just network with others. 
  • Watch videos on our mobile player available for Android / iOS 
  • 14-day money-back guarantee. If you don't enjoy this conference and learn the skills needed to manage critically ill patients better just reach out and we'll get you a refund. No questions asked!

What Attendees Are Saying:

I've worked in a single-coverage ED for over two decades, nervously waiting for sick patients to come through my doors. ResusX has given me so much more confidence to face critically ill patients. Registration is the best investment I've ever made.

Drew S. (Macon, GA)

ResusX was the BEST conference I've ever attended. Not only were the faculty amazing, but the lectures are quick to the point with no fluff. If you manage sick patients, you have to watch this conference!

Rich B, MD (Bethesda, MD)

You'll recognize every name listed as faculty and they deliver! I used facts I learned from the conference on my shift a week later and picked up something a consultant missed. Thanks, ResusX!

Raquel N, MD (Sacramento, CA)