ResusX is a conference dedicated to helping you manage your sickest patients. Our faculty are the thought leaders in resuscitation and all-star educators. Enjoy these 25 videos and see why so many clinicians trust and learn from us.
What you'll get:
- 25 videos from previous conferences
- All videos in HD quality
- Download our mobile player to watch on the go (Android / iOS)
- 7-day return policy if you are not completely satisfied
Here's what you'll get:
- Weingart: Arterial Lines in a Code
- Swami & Salim: The Great CPR Debate
- Kim: Vasopressors in Trauma (Yes or NEVER?!)
- Crager: Vent Alarms, Useful Not Annoying
- Hedayati: Valvular Disasters
- Hicks: Protect Yo' Neck (Part 2)
- Winters: The Crashing Obese Patient
- Haney & Swami: A Curious Case of Dyspnea
- Mattu: Interesting ECG Cases (Part 1)
- Kumar: Y'all Gotta Know TEE
- Repanshek: Massive GI Bleed
- Patino: Pulse Pressure Variation and Shock Index
- Rezaie: EBM That You Need to Know!
- Weingart: The Crashing Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
- Jain: The Difficult Intubation
- Hicks: Human Factors
- Mattu: The Magical Lewis Lead
- Haywood: Basics of Ventilation
- Haywood: The Advanced Ventilator Workshop
- Hagahmed: The Blakemore for Upper GI Bleeds
- Hussain: Cool ECHO Cases
- Schreyer: Intra-lipids for Toxic Overdoses
- Byrne: Airway Tips & Tricks
- Mallemat: Life-Threatening Asthma
- Damuth: Tracheostomy Emergencies
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